Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Jetgirl: Open for Business

Saturday, June 17th, 2006. Jetgirl:Launch at Skully's

Get your official accoutrements so as to be fly!


Scootking said...

So super cool, I have to write my own damned comment!

pixelville said...

Holy Jetgirl!! That shit rocks. You have some fly wardrobe collections up on that site. Now what I'm talking about is some undies -- although, that kind of puts a whole new twist on the meaning of Jetgirl, doesn't it?

pixelville said...

And for the next merchandise item, I think you should get Cassie and Betsy to put their engineering and electrical skills together to design some seriously high power (and functional) *jet packs*!!

dewey said...

I cannot wait. This party is gonna be da bomb.