Friday, September 29, 2006

Photoshop Blues

So I am finishing my first full week of classes and after much wrangling, I feel like I have arrived at a good situation, though I am still not certain pursuing graduate school is my best course. (There is a LARGE part of me that doesn't think I have a shot in hell to get in to an Art and Technology program, BUT, I am forcing myself to learn and keep on keepin' on).

That said, I am learning how to layout web pages in photoshop. Today I created my first banner as seen below.

I took all the pics in NYC last Thanksgiving. One of my goals this quarter is to create my own layout for this blog site, so hopefully this banner will be the predecessor to a new banner for my scootking blog.

Wish me luck!
PS Being an undergrad at 36 is no easy task.

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